</> Aaditya Chopra

About Me

Hi Hi

Hey There! Thanks for stopping by! I'm Aaditya Chopra (you could just call me Adi). I'm a recent graduate (with high distinction) from the Computer Science major program at Carleton University.

I have also completed a Computer Science Technology diploma at CÉGEP Heritage College.

I am passionate about computers and problem solving and have also written in a student newspaper and hosted a high school radio program.

My Projects



Collaboratively built a battle game that runs on the Command Line. Improved version of Ironfortune. Built in Java

See project code »



Built a battle game that runs on the Command Line. Built in Python

See project code »
Nursing Skills Tracker

Nursing Skills Tracker


Built a skills tracking web application for the nursing department of CÉGEP Heritage College. Followed all the steps of the SDLC. Used C#/.NET Core with a Microsoft SQL Database.

See project »
The Sports Hub

The Sports Hub


Built a sports encyclopedia app that allows searching for team and player data using TheSportsDB. Built for Android using Java.

Code available soon.

Super Tic Tac Toe Bros

Super Tic Tac Toe Bros.


Built a Super Mario Bros. themed Tic Tac Toe app. Built for Android using Java.

See project code »
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MeteoHack Hackathon


Built a trivia game for the MeteoHack hackathon of 2019 using the Government of Canada's Open Data. Mostly used HTML/CSS and JS.

See project code »

Blackjack Game


Built a Blackjack game with HTML/CSS and JS.

Project code available soon.


Connect-N Game


Built a Connect-N Game (basically Connect-Four, but you can specify the grid size and winning pattern size). Used Java and JFrames.

See project code »